Precious Adult Care, Inc.
Home Health Care Services
CALL (803) 635-3755
Precious Adult Care will provide PCA I & II level services:
Services designed to restore, maintain, and promote the health status of Medicaid home and community based waiver participants.

Description of Services
We provide and coordinate total home health services.
Unit of Service will be by one hour provided to/for participant in the participant’s place of residence.
Services may be provided in other locations when the participant’s record documents the need and when there is prior approval by a physician.
Serving Fairfield and Richland Counties
The services we offer include….
Federal & state certification to provide Medicare & Medicaid services.
Before hiring staff, verify references, legal records and test applicants on job knowledge and skills.
Registered nurse(s) (RN) who meet the following requirements:
Currently licensed by the S.C. State Bd. Of Nursing or by a state that participates in the nursing compact.
At least one (1) years experience as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse in public health, hospital, or long term care nursing.
Aides who meet the following minimum qualifications:
Able to use the Care Call IVR systems
Have passed competency testing or competency training & evaluation program performed by an RN or LPN. Competency will contain all elements of the PCII services, to included appropriate record keeping & ethics and interpersonal relationships.
Fully ambulatory & capable of aiding in the activities of daily living.
Capable of following a care plan with minimal supervision.
Be at least 18 yrs. of age and have a valid driver’s license.
Description of Services
Under no circumstances will any type of skilled medical service be performed by an Aide except as allowed by the Nurse Practice Act and prior approved by a licensed physician.
Support for activities of daily living
¨ Eating
¨ Bathing
¨ Personal grooming including dressing
¨ Personal hygiene
¨ Provides necessary skin care
¨ Meal planning and preparation
¨ Assisting participant’s in and out of bed
¨ Reposition participants as necessary
¨ Assisting with ambulation
¨ Toileting and maintaining continence
Home Support
¨ Cleaning
¨ Laundry
¨ Shopping
¨ Home Safety
¨ Errands
¨ Monitoring of participants condition
¨ Monitoring temperature
¨ Checking pulse rates
¨ Observation of respiratory rates
¨ Observation of blood pressure
Strength and balance training
Monitoring Medications
¨ Informing participant that it is time to take medication as prescribed by his/her physician. The aide is not responsible for giving medicine.
Escort Services
¨ Transportation may be provided when necessary & included in the participants Service Plan/Authorization. The provision of transportation is optional.